So, a table is meant for eating, but can also be a showcase. At the Marble household, their table is one GORGEOUS piece of furniture... straight from Pottery Barn. So, in an effort to not overshadow the beauty of the table, we wanted to keep the centerpiece extremely simple.
So, here we were just wandering the aisles of endless stuff at one of those stores like Ross or Marshalls, and I happened to see this beauty on the top shelf.
It's very rustic and has a lot of charm :-), and it was HUUUUGE. There would be no other place for it except at the center of the HUUUUUGE table! Now, obviously, to keep it from scratching the perfectly manicured wood, we just put some felt dots on the bottom and WA LA, problem solved.
Then we just found from grand balls from Home Goods and the Great Indoors and finished off the bowl with those guys.
Now, the kitchen still needed a pop. I'm not normally a fan of seat cushions, but in this case, I totally was. Here my sister and I were, just meandering about World Market, and I halted and said "Sister, do you need seat cushions?" Of course, she said, "sure." And then I found these:
And remember that red clock? YEP, ties in perfectly. However, we decided that, since the table normally has 8 chairs around it and then expands to 12 chairs, it would be too busy to keep patterned cushions all around. So we paired them with these:
What a lovely linen color, and they complemented that wonderful cement bowl on the table top.
Oh, but the best part? Each cushion was originally $13 each. We needed12. That's a whole lotta dough. But behold, a wonderful coupon for $10 off of $30... and when we got to the cash register, we asked the guy if he had any coupons, and he said he had another one of those.... so we thought, ok, let's do 2 different transactions... but then halted, and said, wait, we can do 4 different transactions and save $40 by doing it that way. The cashier was so gracious and did this for us... we secretly fistbumped behind our backs and ran out with our big bags full of cushions before the deal police could stop us!
So, overall, here's their new kitchen table look.
PS, don't mind the mess in the background, we were busy! :-)
Romanticize Your Home
3 weeks ago
Oh man, don't you love when you get a great deal?!? I love World Market. For my birthday, I received a postcard for $20 off any purchase of $20 or more. So, I 'bought' two pillows. If you sing up for one of their credit cards, you'll get like 10% off and they might send you a coupon for your birthday. Just so you know. :)